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Showing posts with label Mappe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mappe. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mappe zweite Runde no. 3 - "earphabet"


Mappe zweite Runde no. 2.2 - schwarz/weiß

Mappe zweite Runde no. 2.1 - in Farbe

Mappe zweite Runde no. 1 - Hausaufgabe

Thema der Hausaufgabe:

"In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod"


neues Cover:


neues Logo

Logo Versuche

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mappe 4

Mappe 3 - Burnt Umber (Typo Experiment) --> nicht in die Mappe

this is a typo experiment which is based on creating typo for colours with special names like "burnt umber"
therefore I painted with acrylic paint - colour: burnt umber ;) - on a DIN A4 paper and burnt the edges.
Later I added letters in the complementary colour of dark orange/red and burnt them (I currently don't have the final piece uploaded since it is not finished yet)
more colours are meant to follow.
I want to make a series of 4 colours - 2x 2 DIN A4 pieces on DIN A2 paper.

Mappe 2 - Planet Universe --> nicht in die Mappe

(2nd piece for application at design school)

the meaning behind this is, that people always want to have more and more especially when it comes to knowledge and they aren't able to appreciate the things they already have. 
You don't have to fly to the moon to see special things, you already have beautiful things on the planet you live on and they are just as much worth being admired as the universe around us.

Mappe 1 - Timeline